Nigar Zeynalli
The genderless, 2024 – Acrylics, mixed media on canvas; 30 x 30 cm
This work addresses the issue of gender inequality that exists in our society. Unfortunately, this is neither today’s problem nor yesterday’s. Even in ancient times, societies used to bury newborn girls alive; this is just one example of violence against women. In many cultures, for centuries, women have always had a lower role than men. Also, throughout the lives of women in Azerbaijan, we have encountered cases of unemployment, career discrimination, domestic violence, and gender-based discrimination. Sometimes, we are forced to take on the “double burden” of work and household concerns. Referring to all this, in this work a human figure of indeterminate gender is depicted. Regardless of gender, everyone is a human being first of all, and everyone has equal rights, reflected by the balanced scales. With this work, the artist invites everyone to appreciate each other, not because of their gender, but because they are human beings.